Imperia | 95.3m | 27s | Truman | NORR

I'm excited for this one too. It's certainly the most unique design for a highrise we've had here in Calgary in quite some time. The sky garden/amenity area half way up is a cool feature and makes the diagonal bracing look structurally necessary rather than something tacked on for design flourish. I'm optimistic that it will come out well.
As on most, this will hinge on the quality of the glazing system.

If this ends up with pronounced mullions and flat spandrel it won’t look like it does in the rendering. The main level in the rendering is also low on glazing structure so…
The last DP submission had the glazing significantly broken up
I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but if I were a betting man I would put down money on the final product looking like the pic from the DP. Mainly because the DP will be more accurate than the fancy renderings for the condo investor site, but also because the original renderings only show vision glass, whereas we know there will be spandrel glass also.
If the spandrel glass can be a similar color to the vision glass tint, and the mullions are thinner low profile, then it could still look very good.
I’m surprised Truman didn’t request a height increase on this one, considering how fast it sold out, along with the impressive design. At least to the point where the parts below and above the sky garden were the same size.
I’m surprised Truman didn’t request a height increase on this one, considering how fast it sold out, along with the impressive design. At least to the point where the parts below and above the sky garden were the same size.
It is a pretty tight site, footprint-wise, so they could have been pushing close to their maximum FAR perhaps? Also a redesign to add more floors may have required changes to the elevator configuration and thus, necessitated some redesign of the interior spaces? I think once sales reach a certain level, it's hard to make those kinds of changes without having to do some redesign.
I dunno, ‘The One‘ in Toronto added another 30 meters to their height mid-construction, they were already above ground. I don’t think it’s *that* big of a deal. And this is a supertall I’m talking about.
The last DP submission had the glazing significantly broken up

View attachment 592060

The spandrel looks to be only at the minimum locations like the floors and separation of units. If this is an accurate representation of where the spandrel will be, it is miles ahead of most of what is being built lately where there's more spandrel than glass.
Cautiously optimistic. I'd say their spandrel to vision glass proportions aren't the most accurate in their renders. One of their other large projects in terms of units (226) is the Frontier in Kensington. And this is the renders vs the final product

Not to be that guy but wouldn't adding height tighten up your parking stall/unit ratio? Maybe not an issue though but you'd think they'd have the minimal amount of parking as the current heights.
Cautiously optimistic. I'd say their spandrel to vision glass proportions aren't the most accurate in their renders. One of their other large projects in terms of units (226) is the Frontier in Kensington. And this is the renders vs the final product

View attachment 592094View attachment 592095
To be fair, you have the front rendering and the back photo. There's more glass on the south side.
To be fair, you have the front rendering and the back photo. There's more glass on the south side.
These are the same sides, both the West side of the building, just one from SW (Render) and NW (actual photo). You can see the flags for the legion on the left side of the renders, which is to the West of this building.

Below is one from the same perspective as the renders, Looking North from the SW.


These are photos from the Frontier thread,
