Glenmore Landing | 115m | 35s | RioCan | NORR

I live close to Glenmore Landing and I've always wondered when it would be redeveloped. It's a bit of an awkward design in its current form. Inconvenient for car and pedestrians at the same time. Curious if the residential will be condos or rental units, or maybe a mix of both. For my own selfish reasons I'm hoping for at least some of them to be condos available for purchase haha.
So I'm seeing this shared around Instagram today.
From what I can tell the "ripping out the forest behind them" is bullshit?

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I think a lot of the treed area to the north of the shopping centre, and a little section to the east, would be cleared.
Which is strange because the renderings show all the development on the existing developed parcel.
You're right, I was confused. It's just the green spaces to the south and east, that are not really treed, that would be built on.
Apart from the construction timelines being annoying, I can't see the redevelopment being any worse than what exists here already lol.
There’s literally like a 100m buffer between this project and any existing home. If we are concerned about wildlife and the noise and construction impacts, perhaps critics of this proposal should write their councillor to de-widen 14th and glenmore trail too.

I find it hard to believe wildlife and bio- diversity would be any worse effected by a few towers than a 12 lane ring road on a 300m wide corridor, an overbuilt 90th Ave, a 8 lane 14th/bus lane, and an ever widening Glenmore Trail, literally boxing in the water with high speed traffic on all sides.
There’s literally like a 100m buffer between this project and any existing home. If we are concerned about wildlife and the noise and construction impacts, perhaps critics of this proposal should write their councillor to de-widen 14th and glenmore trail too.

I find it hard to believe wildlife and bio- diversity would be any worse effected by a few towers than a 12 lane ring road on a 300m wide corridor, an overbuilt 90th Ave, a 8 lane 14th/bus lane, and an ever widening Glenmore Trail, literally boxing in the water with high speed traffic on all sides.
To be fair, they were pretty opposed to the 14th Street bus lane widening as well if anyone remembers that whole saga....
To be fair, they were pretty opposed to the 14th Street bus lane widening as well if anyone remembers that whole saga....
they were opposed at least in part because they correctly predicted that more density would follow.

I remain convinced the main reason for opposition was the removal of the slip lane for accessing Safeway directly from 14th Street SW which added 2 minutes to many people’s errands. Without that you still have directly adjacent landowners expressing concern but it doesn’t turn into a general concern for the surrounding neighbourhoods.

There's a fair bit of opposition to this project in my community too (Haysboro) which I find a bit odd because Glenmore landing isn't in Haysboro nor is it really connected to it other than the pedestrian bridge that crosses 14th st at 90th Ave. Hard to say how many are actually opposed to it though, I'm just going off what I see in our community page on Facebook.
