Calgary | Glenmore Gardens III
Not sure if this Project will Go Ahead as G W L is Going Through some So Called "Structual Changes". It will B Interesting to
See what Happens. I an Familiar with the Areas as such; Great Opportunity Really. Lets see what Takes Place. Tnx.
Whatever coma he just woke up from has put him back 5 years! LolIt's been complete for 5 years. Please stop reactivating dead threads. Please.
Whatever coma he just woke up from has put him back 5 years! Lol
Agree with you Chinook. Its annoying but the people that want him banned are the same people who get offended and triggered off a couple of bad words.This thread had had only one post since its inception 5 years ago, and now 8 posts in two days - 4 years after it's been completed lol.
Seriously though, I get people's frustration, but at the same time I don't like to see people banned unless they are acting maliciously. The best strategy IMO is to respond to the posts you're interested in responding to, and ignore the posts that aren't interesting to you.
This thread had had only one post since its inception 5 years ago, and now 8 posts in two days - 4 years after it's been completed lol.
Seriously though, I get people's frustration, but at the same time I don't like to see people banned unless they are acting maliciously. The best strategy IMO is to respond to the posts you're interested in responding to, and ignore the posts that aren't interesting to you.
I don’t think anyone’s suggested it, thought about it?Has anyone suggested banning him? I feel like I've been most vocal about the frustrating nature of his posts, but I haven't come close to suggesting he be banned. At least not in a couple years.