Dominion | 53m | 15s | Bucci Developments | Urban Agency

General Consensus of the Project

  • Great

    Votes: 54 83.1%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 10 15.4%
  • Good

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • So-So

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Are Both Bldgs Under Construction Presently or will it B One Now and other One later? Tnx.
Wast tower UC currently, east tower later.
The city needs to start limiting the amount of Elm and Ash trees being planted in one area and start planting more diverse species. It's getting to the point where i can't go past two or more trees without seeing one dying from elm scale or whatever seems to be killing off our Ash trees. It's getting worse by the year and it's setting the city up for a complete devastation of our tree canopy.
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Couldn’t agree more. I have never seen so many dead, diseased, and shoddy looking trees than I have this year. Half of the trees along the main drag in Evanston are dead. I don’t know what this cities problem is with maintaining trees.
Last summer the city planted what I would guess is close to 50 trees along beddington trail along the sound wall of hidden valley. As of yesterday 1/50 have bloomed. Now more still could but after witnessing them plant them last year and water once...I’m positive they are all dead.
In a city with as challenging a climate as Calgary, you would think we’d take greater consideration for the trees we plant. That also includes both on the north and south sides of the street, as they require different species.
In a city with as challenging a climate as Calgary, you would think we’d take greater consideration for the trees we plant. That also includes both on the north and south sides of the street, as they require different species.
Calgary has a challenging climate but it definitely doesn't limit what you can grow as far as large shade trees to elm, ash, and poplar. For example, people here always assume you cannot grow eastern maples in this climate but I see thriving silver, Norway and red maples all the time on private yards. Same with basswood and different linden varieties. The point is the city needs to think outside the box and stop planting row upon row of disease susceptible trees. Avoid areas heavily exposed to drying westerly winds and there is no reason the city couldn't plant more varieties of street trees.

All these are Norway maples in Calgary in various locations. And these are just off the top of my head
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I didn’t mean to say it severely limits our options, just that the city doesn’t take enough consideration of what and where they plant.
