Dominion | 53m | 15s | Bucci Developments | Urban Agency

General Consensus of the Project

  • Great

    Votes: 54 83.1%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 10 15.4%
  • Good

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • So-So

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
A couple maximized/higher def version of ones we've already seen.



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These are great. Funny how the mid century modern influence seems to be getting a second life after years of criticism for being too big/monolithic/inhuman. I think what's different this time is they are less oppressive and more playful, for example with how this design has a gradually thickening exoskeleton cladding and inverse on the other tower. It reminds me of increasingly bolded fonts or line thickness in MS Paint.
Has Construction Started on this Sites or is It still in the Design/Construction Stages?
Has Construction Started on this Sites or is It still in the Design/Construction Stages?
Design stage is pretty much done, as they have submitted their DP already. No construction for a while, as the DP is still under review, and also I believe these are condos, so there would still be a sales period.
These are great. Funny how the mid century modern influence seems to be getting a second life after years of criticism for being too big/monolithic/inhuman. I think what's different this time is they are less oppressive and more playful, for example with how this design has a gradually thickening exoskeleton cladding and inverse on the other tower. It reminds me of increasingly bolded fonts or line thickness in MS Paint.

Also the whole experiment in postmodern architecture made people realize that it wasn't modernist aesthetics that were making buildings inhuman. You can't humanize a building simply by slapping on some historicist/postmodern decoration. Modernism is totally compatible with a vibrant, human-scaled cityscape.
I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but does anyone know what the material is going to be? It would be so cool if they were beton brut. The buildings would be a huge thermal sink, but so cool.
Just noticed that the "frames" around the windows transition from thick at thinner from top to bottom on one building, and thin to thicker on the other... Very subtle and very attractive
Just noticed that the "frames" around the windows transition from thick at thinner from top to bottom on one building, and thin to thicker on the other... Very subtle and very attractive
Was going to say just that. It has elements that reminds me a bit of Vancouver House that is u/c at the end of the Granville Street bridge. Bucci nailed it with this design.
man this project looks great. Bridgeland has really turned into a cool spot. Hopefully something good comes of the old Steps site.
I have been informed that this is planned as purpose rental project. That is a departure for Bucci. So there will be no waiting for pre-sales to get started.

Whaaaaaaaat?! I actually just felt a rush of elation flow over me. :D Pleeease let this be true!

Also, I think I might be a little too into our ongoing boom, it appears :p
I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but does anyone know what the material is going to be? It would be so cool if they were beton brut. The buildings would be a huge thermal sink, but so cool.

Oh man don't tease me! I'd freaking love that! :eek: I never dared to dream that it even could be until you mentioned it to be honest. I just figured that brut was a four letter word to most designers and developers these days. This thing would look stunning in concrete. Sadly, If you look closely enough at the render you can see some rectangular paneling of some sort breaking up the finish of the exterior.

My guess is that underneath the paneling all the measurements are constant floor to floor and that it's just a matter of the height and width of the white facade on the thinner outer shell of each floor varying slightly from level to level. If it weren't that would mean that the either the height of the floors or the spaces in between them were not constant and I'm guessing that would cause a bunch of headaches for things like stairs and elevators.
Great to hear, this is one of the best midrise designs i've ever seen. Would fill one of the last holes in the Bridges and make the area feel much more complete too. Now to start building more mixed-use along the north side of 1 Ave NE!
