It's a lovely stretch of path, but it's actually not a particularly 'useful' or critical part of the pathway network...I'd love to see it fixed, but from a realistic resource allocation perspective there are a lot more critical areas to address.
For intance - the bottleneck on the north side of the river - particularly the ~500m west of Crowchild that are essentially a 3rd lane of Parkdale Blvd.
Easiest solution would be reducing to 1 driving lane at Kensington Rd until the Crowchild exit to give you a wheeling lane and a pedestrian path. I can't imagine it would be much of a vehicle bottleneck since Memorial is free-flow to 10 St. It would also turn the left side merges from Crowchild onto EB Memorial work a little better (not that there's much wrong with them, aside from people struggling with the concept).