Good timing for Calgary, given all the positive buzz surrounding biking.
Question for fellow cyclists, what do people think of skateboarders and rollerbladers using the bike lanes? To me these people should be on the sidewalk as they are far slower than bikes and are much closer to pedestrian speed than cycling speed. Is this something that the city has covered when they set out the bike lane rules?
We've had to fight tooth and nail for the cycle track network, so I see no point in fighting among other allowed users. Focus should be on how we get the city to fund things so we make the current network permanent and continue to expand it. Things have stalled out and many sections of the network are getting pretty rough. Meanwhile Edmonton is growing their new network and adding more and more.
Fair enough, the reason I brought it up was due to a group of skaters taking up the whole cycle track and basically not moving to let bikes by. I'd rather deal with skaters in the bike lane than to have them removed.We've had to fight tooth and nail for the cycle track network, so I see no point in fighting among other allowed users. Focus should be on how we get the city to fund things so we make the current network permanent and continue to expand it. Things have stalled out and many sections of the network are getting pretty rough. Meanwhile Edmonton is growing their new network and adding more and more.
I just feel like users of the pathway and cycle track system are made to bicker
Let's get more built and made permanent and once we have an amazing system allowing for easy access all over then we can start complaining about our fellow users.
It's classic distraction that has been put out there in the local media and even with bylaw and their "pathway blitzes". Oh it's spring and that means more people on the pathways, what about users bugs you (saw this on CBC a few weeks back) ? Then you see the usual of people going off on all sorts of stuff, while all these users are usually squeezing onto small strips of pathway with a few notable exceptions like Riverwalk (and the soon to be completed west Eau Claire park). I see it as nothing more than getting the citizenry using the infrastructure to air grievances, a lot of which could be solved if adequate infrastructure was put in (and more planned and funded for). Freaking Edmonton is starting to lap us in this regard, they took our model of the cycle tracks and implemented it, and are now starting to go further and continue onward while we seem to be stalling out.
So my take is enjoy the ride/roll/jog/walk. Sure you may encounter some stupid stuff (pathletes passing with no bell/call etc.), but we should be pushing for more and better infrastructure and reap the benefits.
Good reply! I too wish the cycle network would be expanded, but wouldn't you agree that there are several cycling projects currently/recently being built?
A few updates
-Bowness Bike Lanes (not implemented in full due to the omission of lanes in the mainstreet portion where the businesses are, the rest is complete)
-East Calgary Network (phase 1 complete ~3.5km bike lanes, phase 2 unfunded/no timeline)
-West Eau Claire pathway upgrades (quality improvement [as opposed to bike network length improvement], currently subject to dismounting detours on the busiest bicycle path in the city)
-2nd street S.W. study (a really good project should be complete by Fall 2018, first identified in 2000 Pathway & Bikeway Plan as a spot for bike lanes, implemented by )
-Bow Trail - 85th St SW to OBCR - New Pathway Planned (is there a timeline?)
-Montgomery Study (no bike lanes planned IIRC. Streetscape improvements begin 2019)
-Northmount road improvement (only intersection at 14th Street funded and complete, the rest of Northmount was unfunded/no timeline for bike lanes)
-Calgary Pathway and Bike Plan (about time! 18 years after the first one)