Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 9 9.6%
  • Very good

    Votes: 45 47.9%
  • Good

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • So So

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
Isn't Bronconnier still planing on building that food hall underneath the 5th Ave flyover? If that is still happening then that will provide a few more fast food options to the area.

Looking forward to the 3rd street revamp extending north up to the river. That will provide a nice artery connecting East Village to the Riverwalk.

Once upon a time I remember seeing these metallic orbs in the East Village Master Plan that were located in the medien islands beside the 4th Ave flyover into downtown. Wonder if those were serious proposals.
Isn't Bronconnier still planing on building that food hall underneath the 5th Ave flyover? If that is still happening then that will provide a few more fast food options to the area.

Looking forward to the 3rd street revamp extending north up to the river. That will provide a nice artery connecting East Village to the Riverwalk.

Once upon a time I remember seeing these metallic orbs in the East Village Master Plan that were located in the medien islands beside the 4th Ave flyover into downtown. Wonder if those were serious proposals.

The Bronconnier food hall (called "The Corner") got DP approval. Still needs financing, seems like a stretch to me given the proximity to the DI but you never know...
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Id rather see food retail along the streetscape in EV instead of in an enclosed building. Thats not ideal urban planning seeing the goal for EV is to be a vibrant community. Bronconnier's site is better suited for a public gymnasium or something other for recreational activities, not a concept used in suburban malls. I understand its a challenging site but something that takes away from the rest of EV ( street level retail occupancy) should not even be approved in the first place.
I think the rusted metal fins look fine, and if they paint the background of the building I think they will fit in a little bit better especially at night if they have nice lighting to go with them.
I’ve always thought they were too many things going on with the design of the podium, but ti be honest it’s starting to look better as it becomes finished. I’m going to wait until it’s completely done for my final judgement.I’m going to wait until it’s completely done for my final judgement
The tower might help to pull things together. Some parts of the podium I like and other parts are.....eshhh.
Glazing now going up on the east side of the tower. Didn't get a chance to snap a photo but I must say it looks disappointingly dull. Very similar look to the 'dusk' rendering in the very first post of this thread.
That glazing is extremely boring. It's kinda similar to Park Central, but Park Central pulls it off much better.
Whats with this new trend of dark coloured cladding in Calgary? Im starting to get anxiety from it. Seems like the balance of colour in our skyline will be ruined if this keeps up any longer.
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I'll still give this one a chance. Bosa is dull. This tower is dull. They do spandrel and mullions well. Park Central isn't a dull box. It doesn't look nearly as good for its unusual form in Calgary. I like the wood composite spandrel. There just isn't enough to make up for the rest.
