Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 9 9.6%
  • Very good

    Votes: 45 47.9%
  • Good

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • So So

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
I'm curious about that one LED board that is facing east right towards the condos already there. Wonder how that will go over with them?
In everyone's opinion, what is Calgary's best condo/apartment building in terms of being the closest to perfection (design, materials, retail, scale, etc). I think for me the best is Evolution in East Village. I really like the look of the tower (clean, simple but refined, nice brick podium, white and silver exterior, lots of glass, high quality materials), it has a great location, lots of human scaled retail at ground level, trees around it, and the perfect mix of heights.

Agreed on Evolution. I kinda like Phase 1 of Waterfront, Lido is pretty solid.

Honestly I love South Bank though, it's purpose-built rental, good unit mix, retail as well res units activating the lane, good materials and articulation between facades (brick didn't break the bank on a low-rise like everyone says). The buildings design is the appropriate scale and fits within the historic feel and look of Inglewood without coming off as fake or facetious. Overall, solid in every way for me.
From a couple hours ago...

I guess we can expect that blueish spandrel on the lower corner to carry up the tower? They wouldn't change to yet another tone on the project would they?
I know its too early to call but whoever designed that podium or chose the materials needs to be fired. Such a large scale development and you throw in like a 100 different things. They could have went for a simple brick podium broken up in different shades of colour sort of like what Curtis Block may execute or even taken notes from the Royal podium but instead they F'ed it all up.
Those LED billboards better be top notch or this thing is going to be a big eye sore within the next decade. Thankfully the tower has made it look slightly less awkward for now. Im just really happy for the extra density and the addition of a Superstore.
Just changed my vote to not very good. Here I thought that “The Hat” had a lot of spandrel and looked like ass....The Hat looks like a masterpiece next to this thing.
This is a common criticisms of many buildings on this forums that I've never really shared. I don't care that much when architecture is a hodgepodge. It's a massive block. When the rest of the neighbourhood fills in, you'll only ever see small parts of the building at any given time. That said, the building's not great. It's way too massive. But I'll reserve judgment until all of the retail goes in.
maybe when the retail space is occupied it will make the block to the south more attractive for development. regardless of appearance it transforms the neighbourhood. possibly kick start that n3 twin by the library?
maybe when the retail space is occupied it will make the block to the south more attractive for development. regardless of appearance it transforms the neighbourhood. possibly kick start that n3 twin by the library?

Bosa has an option on the block to the south.

Wouldn't anticipate the block west of St. Louis to proceed anytime. When it does happen - don't anticipate Knightsbridge to be involved.
90 meters
