Plaza | 113.5m | 33s | Cantiro | GEC

I'm obviously in the minority as I like them. most other locations I probably wouldn't but that location needs something tall and slender, and as for the details i don't care much, most of the towers will be blocked out. For me they full fill the need of adding a ton load of people into the core, and retail at the street.
I was just excited to see some residential units in the heart of downtown, looks like we're going to have to wait a bit longer
That area needs development so badly. I'll wait a bit longer if it's more attractive though. I didn't find the twins as ugly as the original triplets.
Hi All,
If the Land is "For Sale" as Posted Earlier on the Topic. Will B Interested to see what Happens,. Projects seem to Come Fast and We at Times never Hear he so called "Rest of the Story" as they say..With the Economy in this Province in what - Long Term Depression as Such I have Serious Doubts a lot of these Projects will ever get
Built etc.Just My Opinion really.
Tnx, Operater.
I understand branding apartments buildings the same. I don't understand how "hat" became the choice. Someone like hats?
I've heard one of the Cidex staff describe it as such: The hat is the final piece of the outfit, put on to tie everything together. These buildings are like that for the city. Plus, it looks like the buildings are sometimes wearing a hat, (think EV and 10th Ave).

You can see the actual description as part of the Hat 10th Ave presentation to CPC on February 20th, Item 7.1.2:
