1st St Chinatown Tower Development | ?m | 28s | El Condor Lands | Perkins + Will


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Sep 24, 2015
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I'll gather up some more information on this one, but right now it looks like three towers, one at 97m, one at 86.5m, and a third one at 69m.
Talking to the file manager a while back he mentioned that the tallest was 30 storeys. I believe just target numbers, as there isn't an actual DP yet.



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Say whaaaat?!? Slow down, Calgary. Don't you know there's a recession? ;) Man, will it ever be great for Sunlife Plaza to be blocked out by a couple of residential towers! These could even go ahead despite the recession too, being in Chinatown. Chinatown seems to almost be exempt from the recession due to the amount of immigrants with money still coming to the city. Here's hoping this one progresses quickly!
Quite a bit of opposition from the Chinatown Community association though. They want the height to be cut down to about 45m.
Yeah I heard about that when the proposal was first introduced a couple of years ago. It seems to have gained a lot more traction since then though...
I understand the controversy. Please correct me if I'm wrong though, isn't this project slated for some presently empty blocks? I find the uproar a little bit odd in that sense. I wonder if the builders have considered/offered any concessions to have the podium conform with the neighbourhood. It should be an interesting one to follow. Should it make it's way past the community opposition, I hope it doesn't become a victim of the economic conditions.

Also, what if any proportion is set to be office? 100% would be my naive guess, but mixed use seems to becoming more prevalent of late.


This article seems to suggest that it is a condo tower. It's a decent read, it has some good perspective. Same developer as the Guardian Towers too. Not Bad.
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I'd like to see the buildings a little shorter and thinner. That area already feels like it's in permashade. Make the buildings similar to the ones that are around only slightly bigger.
I only like the proposed height of these buildings because they'll block out the blighted design of Sunlife Plaza. For that reason, I hope they go ahead at the proposed height.
I really like where this project is going, I would definitely consider getting a place there. Great design and material choices. I hope they keep the retail as very small units, you'd probably get some great food stalls. It would be cool to see a bit of a revival of Chinatown, get some younger business owners in who are invested in the community.
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Agreed, looks like there is an effort made to make retail space along the alley and through the site. Just a rendering, but if the details pan out in execution, it will offer a neat little retail corridor - as well as boost the retail volume and population of the area significantly. Good rendering all around :)
