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Search results

  1. GoVertical

    Francesco's | 48m | 16s | Arlington Street | DAAS

    All the way up:
  2. GoVertical

    Francesco's | 48m | 16s | Arlington Street | DAAS

    Guy on site said they're prepping for the crane today!
  3. GoVertical

    Calgary Skylines

    Inglewood Bird Sanctuary
  4. GoVertical

    Calgary I Boro Block I 20m I 6s I Liberty Housing Organization

    Looks great for how long we've been waiting!
  5. GoVertical

    1405 - 4th Street | 77m | 24s | GWL | Arcadis

    And the tight bus stop will be gone, but hopefully so will the loiterers in the parking lot, will be nice to have a surface lot gone!
  6. GoVertical

    Gallery First & Tenth | 60m | 19s | Truman

    ^^I take it you mean place 10 becoming Oliver? Lol That whole area of the downtown has sure had an interesting transformation and 4th street is finally starting to actually feel like a "Broadway "(hence its original name).
  7. GoVertical

    627 Heritage Dr SW | 23m | 6s | Good Form | Metafor

    Looks great and I love that it looks so different without being huge. Would be great to see this lot finally developed and the turn made easier for buses on the corner or the site!
  8. GoVertical

    Crane Count

    Yellowstone crane:
  9. GoVertical

    General Construction Updates

    Eau Claire Plaza, the arch from the Olympics is back and has been moved to the north:
  10. GoVertical

    Calgary Retail Thread

    The last 7 Eleven is now gone from downtown at 8th and 10th Ave, though I guess it's not completely surprising considering the theft and the state the parent company is in.
