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Search results

  1. Operater

    TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

    Hi, eriors of the I have to Admit, It would B Nice to Have a look at the Interiors of this Complex. It must B Fantastic on the Over All. of the Project. Tnx, Operater.
  2. Operater

    Glenmore Gardens III | 54m | 17s | Great West Life

    Hi, Not sure if this Project will Go Ahead as G W L is Going Through some So Called "Structual Changes". It will B Interesting to See what Happens. I an Familiar with the Areas as such; Great Opportunity Really. Lets see what Takes Place. Tnx.
  3. Operater

    Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

    Hi All, If Shoppers has Pulled Out (?) and a Liquoir Store is going in Its Place,, I won't B surprised if Strict Rules are in Place as to what Type of Clients will B Permitted in Reference to places like the Drop n Center. Might Sound Biased but base it on the Views that Having People Hanging...
  4. Operater

    Eau Claire Market Redevelopment | 135.02m | 35s | Harvard Developments

    Hi All, I don't know how much Harvard Paid for that Land Off Hand. A Lot? Probably. Question is How much is it Worth in Today's $1s More? Less? Could B Factors worth Considering when it Comes to Developing for Long Term Growth.. I Also Think Its High Time the City Got Its Act Together so Harvard...
  5. Operater

    Citizen Tower | 51m | 15s | Chelsea skys | Max Tayefi Architect

    Hi All, Just as a Matter of Interest, what Happens to the House on the Property? Got to Say It Looks OK Really. Just My Views etc.Take it, its Down by 25th Ave? Tnx,
  6. Operater

    Stephen Avenue Place Revitalization | 155m | 40s | Slate

    Hi All. I Don't get DT Much Due to Walking Disabilities and Medical Issues, so this Steven Avenue Place is New to Me Really. True its the Old Scotia Centre as I Knew It. Question is Whats in the Place of the Bank? Who is the Company that Owns the Complex Now?I Saw A Web Site Called Steven Ave...
  7. Operater

    Parkside | ?m | 18s | Anthem | IBI Group

    Hi All, With all 9 Bldgs under Construction within a Year or so, it Will B Easy to Rap Up Sales with In a Year under Ideal Conditions. With Most Bldgs by the River and all the Trees Plus. it Should add Value to the Units. Tnx.
  8. Operater

    Oxford Tower | 262.12m | 62s | Oxford Properties

    Hi All, I Didn't Know about this Project at All.. The only way I found out about it was threw this Site a few Months back At the time i read that there was a project on Hold 64 Floors High. No Renderings etc It Might B a Few Years B 4 Anything Gets Built. In all Fairness Its a Project I can GO...
  9. Operater

    Cube | 25.91m | 7s | Strategic Group

    Hi, When I 1st got to Calgary 11th/12th Ave Were One Way Each. That was like Over 40 yrs Ago; The Difference both Streets were almost like Race Streets. Traffic was like High Speed. Saw a Few Nice Winners for Accidents over Time. Difference Now, The City Gradually Put in Traffic Lights at Most...
  10. Operater

    Dominion | 53m | 15s | Bucci Developments | Urban Agency

    Hi, Are Both Bldgs Under Construction Presently or will it B One Now and other One later? Tnx.
  11. Operater

    BLVD Beltline | 118.87m | 37s | ONE Properties | Arquitectonica

    Hi, I know there will B 3 Bldgs when its all Completed. There are Two Bldgs under Construction Right Now. Has Anyone heard yet when the 3rd Bldg will start Construction as Yet, I Figure it must B within the Next Year or so. Tnx.
  12. Operater

    707 Fifth Street | 124.35m | 27s | Manulife Real Estate | SOM

    Hi. ,I Know this Bldg is Long Completed etc. What i never got t know, is Who went into the bldg as Such. Just Interested. Tnx.
  13. Operater

    Park Central | 138m | 40s | Hines | S.C.B.

    Hi, If I am Correct this Project is On the Corner of 12th Ave and 4th St S W. There are TWO Bldgs to go up.The other One will B at 11th ave/4th St S W.I am Hoping that Both Towers Get Built even if It Take a While Tnx..
  14. Operater

    West Tenth 1400 | 24m | 7s | Trimount

    Hi, I Find the Comments to B Interesting for this Site, In Terms of Apts I come Away with the Feelings that there is ROOM for a Lot of Improvements. True 6 Floors isn't Much. but With 14 St Traffic, C.P Rail to the North Makes for a lot of Noise. Hope Rents are Not Sky High. For C.P. It Goes...
  15. Operater

    933 - 5Th Ave | 34.14m | 9s | HomeSpace | IBI Group

    Hi. I Know Little about "Home Space".; If Not Asking to much, is It Imposing to Ask Just What "Home Space" Does in Terms of Projects. If I am Correct I take it this Company Builds Affordable Housing. Tnx.
  16. Operater

    1116 - 7th Ave SW | ?m | 12s | Cidex Group | NORR

    Hi, I Find this Project interesting in Its Own Right as such.True there is that Project behind City Tnx. Hall that has NO Parking. TRUE Its a Bit on the Narrow Side and Only12 Floors but I Hope that this Project can take some Tips on What Went Right and What Didn't Go Right from Other No...
  17. Operater

    Bridgeland Affordable Housing Development | ?m | 3s | OLSH

    Hi, These so Called "Affordable Housing Projects" maybe Interesting in their Own Rights and what have you, but I do Admit I Find it Questionable in Regards to what is Affordable and the Type of People Who Live in These Projects. It Takes a Lot of Responsibility for the Upkeep and Mintinence...
  18. Operater

    Bridgeland Hill | ?m | 5s | GableCraft Homes

    Hi All, Perhaps if the City had Thought this Out Properly It Would Not B in the Mess in the First Place, Surprise How some Thoughts & Considerations can Go a Long Way to et Projects Right the FIRST TIME Around, Tnx,
  19. Operater

    11th + 11th | 138.07m | 44s | Intergulf | Ramsay Worden

    Hi All, I Have been Following this Project as Time Permits. i didn't Realize It had Stalled for a Bit. I had Looked at it as a Project to Watch in the Long Term of Things. in Belt West. Hope that When it Gets to Ground Level, at Some Point in Time, the project will Add to the Momentum in the...
  20. Operater

    Broadway on 17th | 164m | 46s | Vesta | Zeidler

    Hi All, L will B Looking Forward to Seeing this Project get Built in a Few Years Time Don't know When it will Happen. but I am Hoping Construction won't B to Far Off in Terms of the Project. I Originally thought it was to B 3 Bldgs. Guess Not. Construction hasn't Started Yet but am Looking...
