Enzo | 27m | 6s | Arlington Street | DAAS

Very happy with this one. Arlington's projects so far have turned out well which bodes well for Francesco's and also gives me some optimism that Sentinel won't end up looking so bad after all.
I sure hope you're correct about the Sentinal project, but I have my doubts. The DP has changed a couple times for the worse. They promised Nenshi that they wouldn't screw up the corner of 14 St & 17 Ave, and we're watching it happen! With all of the proposed development in this area, the Sentinal should be a benchmark for things to come. The current DP brutal boring imo
Take a look at SFU. It's a good example of brutalism done well. I personally think the main differentiating factor is greenery, and the nice view certainly doesn't hurt. It's unfortunately rather hard to grow greenery that extensive in Calgary.
The construction fencing is still up, so no move-ins yet.
