The last time we checked up on HinesPark Central (formerly 500 Block) back in October, the tower portion was rocketing upward and the podium was halfway finished it's exterior cladding installation. Since then, the tower has added another six storeys and is now, at the 33rd floor - only a couple of floors short of topping Off.

View of southeast corner, image by forum contributor UrbanWarrior

We are beginning to have a decent vision of how the tower, deigned by Solomon Cordwell Buenz, will look once competed. Aside from the extra floors that have been constructed, the seven floor podium section is also coming along nicely with exterior materials now installed. Glass had been installed for some time but the installation of wood style composite panels still hadn't been done. Panel installation began at the end of October and has since been completed, and though not completed, one can get a good sense of the podium's look.

View of northeast corner, image by forum contributor 1875

There is one more design element we are waiting that will add to the building's overall look. The balconies on both the podium and tower section will have white aluminum trim along the outside of the balcony slab, as well was up one side of the balcony. This will no doubt provide a different look to the structure which is predominately dark gray. Once there is a substantial amount of balcony trim installed we'll have a complete look of the building, but Park Central is definitely taking shape as it stands currently.

View of southwest corner, image by forum contributor UrbanWarrior

SkyriseCalgary will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.

Related Companies:  Hines, KIRKOR Architects and Planners