Following the appearance of fencing along the perimeter of the future Curtis Block build site at 12 Ave SE and Macleod Trail back in April, demolition crews have been hard at work, the clearance of a derelict house and an old Arby's restaurant bringing the development one step closer to reality.
Pictured above and below, the view along 12 Ave SE has been all but scraped clean, the Vietnam Restaurant's days likely numbered as its neighbours continue to fall. Located in-between downtown and East Village, and just steps from from the Calgary Stampede grounds, Curtis Block will soon join a growing list of high-density developments that have been transforming this somewhat overlooked corner of the city.
Developed by ONE Properties, and designed via a partnership between Arquitectonica, DIALOG, and landscapers, Claude Cormier + Associates, the site will eventually be home to three interconnected towers, the first two of which will form phase one, with a projected 628 residential units between them.
While it is still early days, with demolition crews still gnawing away at the site ahead of excavation and construction, Curtis Block will eventually be a welcome addition to the the neighbourhood.
SkyriseCalgary will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.