There are early signs of impending demolition at Macleod Trail and 12th Avenue SE, where a hodgepodge of low-slung buildings are destined for the landfill as part of a major intensification initiative by ONE Properties. As photographed by Forum contributor Cyric, fencing has been erected around the east side of the site, currently occupied by surface parking lots, a corner retail building, a derelict house, and a Vietnamese restaurant.

Curtis Block rendering, image via ONE Properties

Site activity foretells the construction of the three-tower Curtis Block. The first phase would introduce two towers to the eastern half of the property. A development permit application currently under review by the City seeks approval of a supermarket and 628 residential units between the towering pair. 

Vietnamese restaurant on 12th Avenue SE, image by Forum contributor Cyric

The development has been designed by Arquitectonica, a Miami-headquartered practice with regional offices in New York City and Los Angeles. DIALOG is serving as the architect of record, with Montreal-based Claude Cormier + Associates acting as the landscape architect.

A derelict house on the east side of the site, image by Forum contributor Cyric

A design brief on Cormier's website outlines the rationale behind the ground-level landscaping scheme: "The streetscape aims to enlarge the urban forest through the design of large contiguous soil volumes that promote large healthy street trees and a robust tree canopy along the development perimeter of the block. As a neighbourhood poised for future development, the design for Curtis Block aims to inform the future evolving urban design character for this emerging district."

Curtis Block rendering, image via ONE Properties

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