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Water-cooler discussion thread

Thanks @Beazley66 for being proactive about stuff like that.

You deserve a Schrute buck ;)

Woke up to this yesterday morning on the neighbouring property. The house has been vacant for years longer than I've lived here, and I figured something like this would happen one day. Luckily it was only the garage. I was awake earlier than usual and noticed an orange light cast through the window and start flickering. Thought "oh pretty sunrise", turned to look out the window and saw flames. Rushed out and called 911. No damage to us, and only minimal to the garage siding on the other neighbour. Now I just hope the developer that owns it follows through with demoing it sooner than later. The house needs to go too, it's much too closer than this smaller fire was.

Well, here we go. Our landlord just upped our studio's monthly lease rate 500.00 to 2500.00 for 400sf. I now stare at our proverbial water cooler wishing it was Scotch.... The gig is up. Not sure where the office will end up.
Sorry to hear that. Are you in a niche building of some kind, that is in high demand? I can't imagine any office landlord is feeling confident enough in this market to raise rents like that.

On the plus side, there should be plenty of available square footage for you if you want to relocated into the downtown. Not sure how much luck you will have in finding a 400 sqaure foot spot though.
We're in a small two storey, non niche building in Inglewood. What worked is that it is right behind our house, so no commute, except to job sites. Trying to find the positives of actually having to get out, that includes getting away from the Lash Lady downstairs who has repeatedly flaunted COVID rules over the past year. We won't find a 400sf spot. I saw that there was 1200sf available in the old keg building on Electric Ave. This will be a difficult move, as we just found work with extremely tight deadlines. Will have to figure it out. Might be working out of a "mi-box" for a while.
That’s unfortunate, sounds like the landlord wants to get rid of you. For that type of asking rate you could lease a prime spot in Chinook Centre! Luckily it’s still a tenant’s market.
IIRC the landlord is related to the lash lady you've been feuding with, no?
Sucks that this is the situation that materialized. I hope you are able to find a suitable space!
The landlords daughter is the hair dresser Lash lady is now affiliated with downstairs. They also now have a massage therapist who does cash only. What can I say, just a really great group. We just yesterday became more convinced with a bit of sleuthing that in fact they don't pay rent at all, and we were covering it. We are working hard trying to find a space, but it will take some time. I'm fine with that. Given the current situ. out there with covid, I'll be quite content to be working off of my dining room table, and just visiting project sites when necessary. All of our meetings are still Zoom, and will be for the foreseeable future I expect.
Well, here we go. Our landlord just upped our studio's monthly lease rate 500.00 to 2500.00 for 400sf. I now stare at our proverbial water cooler wishing it was Scotch.... The gig is up. Not sure where the office will end up.
Sorry to hear that Beazley66. It's nice space you have there, and the location was perfect. Maybe it'll turn out to be a blessing in disguise, and you'll find a better space. If I hear of any spaces that look good, I'll be sure to pass along the info.
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The landlords daughter is the hair dresser Lash lady is now affiliated with downstairs. They also now have a massage therapist who does cash only. What can I say, just a really great group. We just yesterday became more convinced with a bit of sleuthing that in fact they don't pay rent at all, and we were covering it. We are working hard trying to find a space, but it will take some time. I'm fine with that. Given the current situ. out there with covid, I'll be quite content to be working off of my dining room table, and just visiting project sites when necessary. All of our meetings are still Zoom, and will be for the foreseeable future I expect.
The commercial real estate market is horrible with no signs of turnaround. You should be able to find a deal somewhere else. Surprised that the landlord doesn't know this.

Probably best to not associate with a cash only massage therapist
Well if its any indication of what is going on with relocations, I couldn't get a single mover to move the office. Did it all. Down to one desk, and waiting to turn over the keys by the end of the day. Thanks to the water cooler crowd for tolerating my frustrated monologues.
