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US Politics

*alien TV commercial*

This Month, on the SERIES FINALE of 'America'! - Donald Trump becomes first despot in Earth's history to cry while committing treason! Mike Pence is caught sucking zombie Mitch McConnell's d*ck in an airport bathroom, WITHOUT A MASK ON! Nancy Pelosi finally does something! Will one of the members of the Trumpster fire assassinate President Joseph R. Biden during his inauguration?!? Will the Trump-emboldened Nazi's start a devastating civil war? Wait and see. Catch all the action on the SERIES FINALE of 'America'!
Holy crap!! I'm actually scared for the US right now, this is going to be an insane evening / night in DC.
And Trumps response to quell things .. 'The election was stolen from me but stop rioting and go home'. Real leadership on display.... said sarcastically.

Yet 74 million voted for this guy, knowing what we know. He is either in complete denial or will not give up until he gets his way. That is a display of both the narcissist and the child in him. He will go down in history as the greatest conman that the U.S has ever produced.
Definitely a scary situation. One would never expect it to happen, but like all other crazy historical events of the past, nobody ever saw it coming until it was too late.
I didn't expect to see the action we saw today. I hope we aren't seeing a major downward turn happening before us, and that this is just a a few bumpy weeks and then things start settling down.
I propose that this thread name be changed to "Civil Unrest in the United States". It is clearly something people want to talk about, and the election is over and done with. The title should reflect the reality of the subject.
Good suggestion. I have a feeling that 'civil unrest' will be a constant theme well beyond the election. The outcome of the election has only brought it to a head. There is every reason to believe that events over the next week may make the raid on the Capitol building look tame in comparison. Authorities are monitoring pro-Trump communications and there is talk about armed protests in every state this weekend. If law enforcement can't circumvent this activity, then it would need a 'calming' Donald Trump to discourage this from happening. All he is prepared to do is to say 'I don't want violence' which his lawyers are obviously strongly advising him to say. Today when he finally was pressed by the media about his rhetoric last week that led to the riot, he said his statements were reviewed by people and 'they' said they were completely appropriate. As usual he does not say who 'they' is, and takes no responsibility whatsoever. Another gem was 'people are saying they are very unhappy with the talk of impeachment again'.
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Yeah, it's no longer an upcoming US election. Could change the title to 'US politics' it kind of covers everything.

Some days I can't believe what's going on down there.
Donald J. Trump has become the first United States President - or any holder of federal office - to be impeached twice, in the most bipartisan impeachment vote in American history. 😄
If you are following any coverage of Trump's 2nd impeachment trial, you may be both impressed and shocked like I am:

1. I am impressed that the Democrats have put such a compelling case together of how Trump laid the ground work for the riot on the capitol long before the election, set the stage for it by inviting his followers to Washington specifically on Jan. 6; 'lit the match' that propelled his followers to act; and then promptly did nothing for hours during the riot Nero watching Rome burn!
2. I am shocked that a standing president was allowed to get away with that as Trump clearly wanted the outcome that we saw on January 6. His party up until now has merely shrugged their shoulders like it was 'Trump being Trump' or he was somehow justified in his 'free speech' because he had his belief that the election was stolen from him. Hell ... he even made his own VP Mike Pence a target of the rioters with a dangerous tweet right in the middle of it. It was despicable behaviour by a president and even more despicable behaviour by Republican senators who continue to downplay the events, and do not want to hold him accountable. The question I ask ... if this was a Democrat who was president and accused of these actions, would the Republicans be just as ambivalent? I think we know the answer to that.
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Republicans about Trump...

It's been quiet on this thread since Biden was sworn in. I felt the need to revive it because of some worrisome developments south of the border. I'll just bullet list them for simplicity
  • shortly after the Jan. 6 insurrection, key Republicans (including house leaders McCarthy, McConnell) condemned Trump for his role in it
  • since then many of the same Republicans (McCarthy, Cruz, Graham) have softened their position, pretending they did not say anything like that, and actually now say that Trump did not play a large role in the uprising. Some (like Ron Johnson) are openly saying that the insurrection was not by Trump supporters and what we all witnessed on our televisions, is not what really happened and it really was not that bad. (ask all of the police that were in the fight of their lives)
  • Trump retired to Florida where he has been largely muted thanks to Facebook & Twitter banning him. Still, the 'wishful king' has had occasional meetings with Republican leaders and hopeful presidential candidates, seeking out his praise and endorsement. He has also had interviews on FOX where he continues to say that the election was rigged, it was stolen from him and Biden as a result is an illegitimate president
  • apparently as much as 75% of registered Republicans agree that the election was stolen because of massive voter fraud. Though 60 lawsuits filed by Trump and the party have been thrown out by both Democratic and Republican judges including the Supreme Court, Republicans when confronted with this still say ... 'yeah BUT there is evidence that we can't show you that proves there was massive fraud'.
  • to this day, most Republican politicians will not acknowledge that Biden was elected in a free and fair election
  • principled Republicans (Cheney, Romney, Kinzinger, Murtkowski) who voted to impeach Trump are becoming vilified in their own party. To stay in good standing in the party, you must believe that the election was stolen from Trump. One by one they are going to be forced out
  • Trump, the 'greatest conman in modern history', continues to wield great influence on the Republican party. The vision, strategy and policies appear to be whatever Trump says they are.
  • after only 4 months, a large segment of the population has forgotten that the former president called for an assembly of his supporters to the capitol on January 6, weeks before. On that day, he whipped up the crowd, 'lit the match' and sent them on their way. He accepts no blame and his party seeks no accountability. How in the year 2021, in the oldest democracy in the world, is this allowed to happen???
In summary, I predict the world will be watching again very closely, the mid-term elections in 2022 and then the presidential election in 2024. The ugly specter of Trump is not going away and the outcomes of those elections could have a rippling effect on the rest of the world. 😲
For some reason, Republicans won all the down ballots and are expected to clean up in 2022. The American voter is very odd.
Unfortunately rural voters both feel that American society has passed them by and also wield tremendous political power, particularly within gerrymandered state legislatures. In states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, Republicans routinely lose the popular vote, but have maintained control of the state legislatures for decades. In 2018, for example, Wisconsin Republicans won almost twice as many seats as Democrats, despite losing the popular vote by over 8 percentage points! This is particularly important because state legislatures typically have the most power over the voting process (at the federal level as well) and these very gerrymandered states are also the swing states that decide the presidential elections and control of the US Senate.

So, when you have a population that is feeling deeply alienated and even nihilist wielding a huge amount of political power, that's not going to result in responsible government. In fact, we're basically seeing how the Republican party has jettisoned its three traditional concerns: fiscal responsibility, a strong military, and traditional family values. Instead it now defines itself based on devotion to conspiracy theories and a charismatic leader who a majority of the US population has rejected twice.
Here is a perfect example of Trump the conman at work...

As recently as Monday, Trump blasted out a press release saying "If a thief robs a jewelry store of all of its diamonds (the 2020 Presidential Election), the diamonds must be returned. The Fake News media refuses to cover the greatest Election Fraud in the history of our Country. They have lost all credibility, but ultimately, they will have no choice!”

Repeat, rinse, repeat ... without proof ... the same message over and over again until gullible people believe it. Millions of Americans already have. The sad thing is the world is watching and asking 'Is American democracy really what we thought it was'. Great demonstration of leadership (said sarcastically) from a very small man.
If only the average American knew what this fiasco looks like to the outside world. It's only because most Americans don't know and don't care what goes on outside their own borders.
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