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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

The city has released its plans for Richmond Green, solid density boost and everything you could think of, row houses, townhouses and low rise buildings. The NIMBYS on Reddit and Twitter are very angry they are losing 2 of their baseball diamonds though lol.

Not bad. A good boost of intensity in a popular area. Question for anyone, what's the history with 33 Ave here?

It's clearly a weird relic of a different area - divided boulevard with huge setbacks designed for higher speeds. It's also out of character for anywhere else in the area - 33rd returns to 2 lanes on either side so it will always remain overbuilt. Complete with a random pedestrian overpass. My guess is that there was some transportation scheme 50 years ago to 4-lane all of 33rd and Richmond Road but didn't get around to doing very much of it.

If we could ever figure out how to break our weird "no development on an arbitrarily defined major road" thing there's a bunch more land for townhomes right there. At next lifecycle, they should tighten up the road geometry to a standard 4-lane (or 2 lane like the rest of 33rd), undivided road and dispose of the northern strip for more development. The area is popular and likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future so I would dispose of every acre I could.


Aerial from 1979 - you can see the underground reservoirs more clearly in this one under the future golf course.
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The city has released its plans for Richmond Green, solid density boost and everything you could think of, row houses, townhouses and low rise buildings. The NIMBYS on Reddit and Twitter are very angry they are losing 2 of their baseball diamonds though lol.

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I live in Currie Barracks and this would be a great addition to the area, and yes people ARE angry lol I think they forgot that they can't use the diamonds 7 months out of the year :)
I live in Currie Barracks and this would be a great addition to the area, and yes people ARE angry lol I think they forgot that they can't use the diamonds 7 months out of the year :)
Losing 'baseball diamonds'? HaHa.
If there is one thing that Calgary has an abundance of is ... markedly underused baseball diamonds. There was a time ... Boomer generation mostly ... when baseball was very popular amongst kids. Yes there are recreational leagues for adults today but youth has turned to other sports & activities. You rarely see pick-up games on diamonds. Added up, the space that baseball diamonds take up in this city to sit vacant for the vast majority of the year, is astronomical.
Losing 'baseball diamonds'? HaHa.
If there is one thing that Calgary has an abundance of is ... markedly underused baseball diamonds. There was a time ... Boomer generation mostly ... when baseball was very popular amongst kids. Yes there are recreational leagues for adults today but youth has turned to other sports & activities. You rarely see pick-up games on diamonds. Added up, the space that baseball diamonds take up in this city to sit vacant for the vast majority of the year, is astronomical.
Couldn't agree more.

Rationalization of Calgary's park space is a very low hanging fruit for better land use and sustainability. Politically it would be a giant mess of course - but come on: within a 10 minute drive of the location there's about 75 other ball diamonds in all sorts of conditions, qualities and sizes between school and park sites, nearly all with minimal utilization. The deteriorating condition of all these facilities (and other park infrastructure in general) in much of the city is a direct result of having too many of them, too few users and too few maintenance dollars spread between too many assets.

In the lowest density communities where redevelop pressure is starting to occur, we should convert as many ball diamonds as possible to land uses that pay taxes and concentrate the maintenance dollars to sites and facilities that are actually used, popular and can be updated.
Couldn’t agree more about the comments on the ball parks. They really don’t get used much ever these days. One could really say the same about most school yard playgrounds. Huge amounts of land that isn’t well utilized. When the children are out playing they tend to use about 10% of the school yard....and it’s the 10% closest to the school. The rest is mainly wasted.
Is the city building a park where the future 4 Street SE Station will be going? They have landscaping materials here... 🤔


Demolition of Eau Claire Plaza has begun...

