I think it's this project https://calgary.skyrisecities.com/f...posals-discussion.27153/page-344#post-1760613
Looks good, but unfortunately I suspect it's a little too nice to be a serious proposal, especially for affordable housing. Hopefully I'm wrong though, because that site would be great for what they're proposing.https://www.linkedin.com/posts/conn...ths-of-work-activity-6879824501102710784-edyP
Not sure if this is a real project or just a proposal, but I just saw this on LinkedIn. Project between between Western Surety, LOLA Architecture and the U of C's SAPL. Love the vertical green feature!
Really cool looking proposal although the proposal doesn't appear to have street facing retail and that is desperately needed on that lot to make sure the commercial spaces in new projects like The Theodore aren't cut off from the rest of 10th.
That 'eye-sore' is Baker House Annex. Social and affordable housing operated by CIWA - a culturally diverse settlement agency that recognizes, responds to, and focuses on the unique concerns and needs of immigrant and refugee women, girls and, their families.What is this eye-sore?
Absolutely hideous.That 'eye-sore' is Baker House Annex. Social and affordable housing operated by CIWA - a culturally diverse settlement agency that recognizes, responds to, and focuses on the unique concerns and needs of immigrant and refugee women, girls and, their families.
So nice of you to want to help, here's the donation link: ciwa-online.com/join-us/donate/Absolutely hideous.