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Urban Development and Proposals Discussion

There is a DP application for 4111 1 St NE submitted by Formed Alliance Architecture. It is calling for a mixed use development including 167 residential units. I found the name of the developer is HXCC Calgary Development Corp which is just a registered legal name. Anyone know who is really behind this project?
From the architect on the application:
I doubt this is what has been submitted though, if they are requested a floor limit increase.
The more the merrier. Nice to see more proposals for Banff Trail TOD. Once the ball gets rolling there will be more.
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Renders aren't expected until early 2021
I just did some more digging and there's two different time estimates. I was reading off the one published in June. She must have been given an optimistic timeline from the architects.

Hey if that's a bullet, sign me up. Non-ideal 1970s urban towers-in-the-park > dilapidated car dealerships, parking lots and highway junctions. Current Status:

View attachment 292000
With that design, I'll take the car dealerships for another 2 decades in hopes that one day the site may become a potential for a vibrant neighborhood that incorporates good urban design. Until then, I'd like to see Victoria park build-up, East Village completed and our downtown core turned around. Had West Village gone with that atrocious design, it would have become an area even more costly fix not to mention an opportunity lost for generations to come.
