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A thread for all things Statscan
I just grabbed the numbers the numbers from Statscan's Q2 provincial population estimates (Spoiler Canada Breaks 37M population for the first time!):
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Alberta only grew 0.05% faster than BC did year over year, so I have to assume it'll be a heck of a long while before we catch them at this rate. However, we grew considerably faster than they did in Qs 1 and 2. So, if we hold tight and they continue slowing maybe we can make up some ground. And there is considerable ground to make up, the gap between the two provinces is slightly more than the population of Newfoundland and Labrador. It doesn't really help that they're still growing faster in absolute terms either. They out paced us by just over five thousand souls last quarter.
Speaking of poor old NL, there's another jurisdiction in Canada that needs to see oil bounce back harder than we do. Hopefully they can turn the corner at some point. They were the only shrinking province last quarter and last year. Mostly good news for the country as a whole though. Growth across the board, NL excepting. Alberta barely trailed Quebec in absolute growth.
Scarily though, more than half the growth last quarter was in Ontario. It can't be good for the confederation to have so much of the population in a single province. Consider this the introduction of my long held dream that it should be broken into four pieces (Southern, Central, Northern and Capital). Those are place holder names, as I'd far rather see us try something creative rather than just slap the name Ontario on a couple extra things and carry on.
There was an interesting note on the population estimates front page. It looks like this will be the last estimate based on the 2011 census. It'll be interesting to see if switching to the 2016 census will have an impact. They note that they will be correcting for under-counts.
Source: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901
Alberta hitting 5,000,000 by 2025 though *droooool*
So much for Calgary being the next Detroit lol.