So there is a pretty big agenda at CPC next week. Here is a link to the whole thing:
Items of interest are as follows:
5.01 (page 277/960) - Land Use redesignation of the old YWCA block. Recommend approval to zone CR20-C20/R20
5.02 (page 289/960) - Improvements to the 4th Ave Flyover area in Bridgeland. A bit of a visual (not much) on 297.
5.03 (page 337/960) - Heritage density transfer and lane closure for the 500 Hines Block. A few more details about the development in the executive summary, and a rendering on page 353, site plan page 354.
5.04 (page 355/960) - Land use for that weird one in Bankview at 19th Ave and 14A Street (name slips my mind, and weird is how I describe it, just my opinion).
5.10 (page 461/960) - Southland TOD. 2 weeks ago it was Wildwood Estates, now it is the parking lot in front of the Safeway on the other side of Macleod. Concept plan start on page 480.
5.11 (page 521/960) - The new YWCA, to replace the one being re-zoned as part of item 5.01. DP drawings start on page 534.
5.17 (page 633/960) - Land Use for the Banff Trail Student Housing tower (again, forget the proper name).
5.19 (page 675/960) - New small mixed use building in Bridgeland, at Edmonton Trail and Meredith Road. DP drawings on page 685.
5.22 (page 773/960) - Land Use amendment for the Sarina Homes project on 33d Ave SW around 16th Street.
5.25 (page 915/960) - Bridgeland Main Streets Land Uses