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General Construction Updates

Humpy Hollow Park progress…

Looked at Google Satellite view of the park, does anyone know if anything is being built on the giant plots of empty land on the North and South side of 17th, just west of Scarth Ave?
The cool kids call it Scarth.
I'm still getting used to Calgary's streets being numbered, either that or you go out to a new subdivision and all the street names are almost exactly the same except for the odd letter changed here and there. The numbered street names are practical for getting around, but are utterly boring.
Scarth? Are you by chance using Apple Maps, and is it doing that thing where it calls 17th Notre Dame, etc.?
Not sure if it's an a/b test but depending on my zoom level, it shows, 1st ave or Scarth, and if I zoom in far enough, it shows both names for the same road. I only recently moved here from Toronto and we have streets where it's named differently on either side of the intersection (like Carlton/College) so I just thought it was 1st ave further North then changed to Scarth.

