This is the proposal. Nice little project. I don't like the set back, but that's the city's fault.The building has demolished and construction fencing has gone up at this site. I don't remember if there is a render for this anywhere.
The setback is insane and a wildly inappropriate tool that shapes development along the corridor - as opposed to a tool that deliberately that shapes development to create a great pedestrian realm and urban environment. The traffic and actual roadway width are actually quite reasonable - no extra-wide outside lanes for no reason, no long turning bays, few if any slip lanes cutting into the sidewalk. If we spend a bit of time on adding more intersections and giving better crossings for pedestrians we'd be in really good shape. The fact that the current roadway is quite reasonable and works okay is actually a key reason why the setback is so insane in the first place - because we would never need it.Edmonton Trail isn't as bad a lot of other aterial roads since there's on street parking during off peak hours, effectively making not a whole lot different than say 10th street. Granted the pedestrian realm could be better. But all in all its not a comeplety aweful place for a patio.
God, I hate the Edmonton Trail setbacks so much. I knew what street it was on the instant I saw the rendering. A patio will be hard to pull off next to an arterial road with large volumes of fast moving traffic. Anyone know how Elite Brewing's patio is doing?