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East Village


From a highly reliable source: EV Celebration Square is being permanently converted to a skate park next year.
Hmm, mixed feelings about that it being converted into a skatepark. I was hoping it would be a more popular general public space, but so far it hasn't. To date it's mostly a spot for the homeless and deters the general public. A skatepark wouldn't be my first choice, but I don't think it's the worst thing in the world. It would make for a vibrant atmosphere for LRT passengers coming into the core..
I’m surprised at the mix reaction. It’s a perfect use of the space which is empty 95% of the time. The temporary skate park there this summer was a huge hit.

It will perfectly compliment the basketball court and games area next to the National Music Centre.
I’m surprised at the mix reaction. It’s a perfect use of the space which is empty 95% of the time. The temporary skate park there this summer was a huge hit.

It will perfectly compliment the basketball court and games area next to the National Music Centre.
I had a mixed reaction at first, but I'm liking the idea more now that I've thought about it. I always hoped it would be a nice little public plaza, but I'm not sure it ever will be. This skate park seems like it'll be a better use and can energize it.
Skate parks are such a great way to activate a space. I have a few friends who skateboard and ive seen they've been riding at the new mini park in sunnyside a bunch in the past week. So much better than a couple benches for homeless people to sleep on. Also makes EV more attractive for families to live there

I'm curious about what people's arguments are against it. It better be better than my 67y/o mothers argument of "all skateboarders are hooligans and criminals"
