West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 8 7.2%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 15 13.5%
  • Good

    Votes: 39 35.1%
  • So So

    Votes: 13 11.7%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 16 14.4%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 20 18.0%

  • Total voters
Ok... it's turning out way better than my fears when the glass was only 10 or so storeys up. This is turning good, tower-wise.
It's turning out better than I expected, but really only looks good from about a kilometer away lol. The crown will make or break this one, the massing is cool, but if its clad in ugly spandrel, then NFG.
I don't even mind the cladding close up. I was extremely pessimistic given Cidex's track record like most, but I'm pleased with how it looks. Completely agree with the crown comment though - the solid spandrel crowns on Nuera burn me everytime I see them..terrible, terrible shit.
There are Currently only Two Bldgs on the way up. If i understand it right there will B a 3rd Tower to get built at a later date.
When? Any ones guess really. I do feel once all 3 Towers get Built & Completed it will add to a better realization of the West
Downtown and more Investment Dollars going into that Areas - the Old Stamped Site plus the Metro Ford Site. that are On
the Books. What will B Interesting to see is what happens to All that Strip of Land on the South Side of 9th Ave between
5th St and Up to 10th St.I have heard stories about Bldgs etc on the Books but nothing ever Built. if anything happens this
would B most Interesting to watch.
Anyone Know when the 3rd Tower Starts Construction? I take it, it will B a While B 4 there
is a Shovel in the Ground.
On the front page of the this thread, it describes the height of the towers at 150 m, 125 and 100. But I found out from Norr architecture, on Twitter, that the second tower is the same height as the first one!
I really hate that they might end up being identical twins... frig. That's about as bad a scenario as could be feared... at least when they were all 25 meters apart in height it creates differentiation and the shorter two get lost in the sea of towers while only tower one would remain prominent indefinitely. Bleh.
