West Village Towers | 149.95m | 42s | Cidex Group | NORR Dubai Yahya Jan

General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 8 6.9%
  • Very Good

    Votes: 17 14.7%
  • Good

    Votes: 41 35.3%
  • So So

    Votes: 14 12.1%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 16 13.8%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 20 17.2%

  • Total voters
They need to consider cutting that stupid roof shape, seriously. I can't imagine how ugly these developments will look when there are 2 roof angles in one direction and another in the opposite.
They need to consider cutting that stupid roof shape, seriously. I can't imagine how ugly these developments will look when there are 2 roof angles in one direction and another in the opposite.
Yes, I wish they would have gone with a different roof shape for the 3rd tower, or even if they'd just made a flat roof for it. It's going to look very odd.
I feel like it will basically look the same as now. The podium is the worst part by far, I don't actually mind the towers that much...
The crown being angled the other way doesn't bother me...in fact, I prefer it for a little dynamism.

The fact that they didn't go with glass is what still bothers me. A lit up crown would've been pretty awesome on the skyline.
The crown designs are Dubai kitsch. The designs would have been more forgivable filled with trees instead of spandrel. I'm still surprised Cidex went forward with these instead of more efficient boxes. In that case, I can't decide if these value engineered Dubai kitsch towers that stand out in every way are the better choice than some standard boxes on a commonplace retail podium.

I'm curious if Cidex will start another tower which includes this one. Demand is there. The national funds are becoming more antsy over expanding rental portfolios.
The crown designs are Dubai kitsch. The designs would have been more forgivable filled with trees instead of spandrel. I'm still surprised Cidex went forward with these instead of more efficient boxes. In that case, I can't decide if these value engineered Dubai kitsch towers that stand out in every way are the better choice than some standard boxes on a commonplace retail podium.

I'm curious if Cidex will start another tower which includes this one. Demand is there. The national funds are becoming more antsy over expanding rental portfolios.
I actually quite like the look of the twins on the skyline, even if they are very Dubai-esque. I wouldn't want all our residential towers to be that tacky but they nicely differentiate themselves from all our other tall residential buildings (although I think the 3rd tower will wreck the balance). The podium, of course, is another story...
The crowns from far away have two good sides. The other two sides look strange
Have the plans for tower 3 been approved? Are they keeping that loading area/road between Tower 1&2 and Tower 3? Seems like a missed opportunity for a courtyard/greenspace.
