Senior Member
It'd be nice if they explained it lol. My best guess is the frequency is 3 minutes downtown and 5 minutes out in the burbs so "3 or 4 or 5" minute frequency depending on which station you're at
That's all such a weird level of detail to provide the public lol. If you told everyone 5 minute frequency on the network and the train showed up every 3 minutes sometimes randomly that's totally fine and not a level of detail that needs to be communicated. This is well within the frequency that commuters don't need to plan their trips anymore - just show up and the train will be there within 5 minutes.Or there is a surge which ripples through the system, and it isn't 3 minutes for all 3 hours of peak, but surges which help clear any backlog which at least one is planned for peak of peak.
Not to grind Calgary Transit's gears some more, but what does this mean below - did my service improve? What is a "block"? and is 1 AM "Peak"? Is this just a typo?
Once again, I am forced to compare to Translink, top-in-class for communication and transit service in North America :
- Drop-down menus to find your route
- Every change categorized and explained for impact (e.g. service increase, service adjustment, network updates, seasonal changes etc.)
- Everything defined (e.g. what does peak periods, weekend, late night mean? What are the cut offs?