New renderings in DP2023-02650 that are slightly different. Also, the address should be 1904 Georgia St. SW now (although the renderings do have a 1903 on the building, which is funny).
The application was approved on February 06, 2024. After a development permit is approved, it will be advertised on The City of Calgary's public notice webpage. Any appeal of the decision must be submitted to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board from February 15, 2024 to March 07, 2024. To submit an appeal, click here."
Can someone explain why the parkade for this wouldnt extend the full depth of the parcel? Are the usual parking spots not necessary due to the proximity of the LRT station?
I am guessing it is a 1.5 levels of parking. So, rather than excavate out the full second level (which is big $$), they will have one full P1 level, and the ramp down to just the one aisle of parking for P2.