The Theodore | 35.66m | 10s | Graywood | Arcadis

Sales centre for Theodore now getting built out at #101 227 10 St NW.

Generic design. But at this point it all depends on materials.
Generic design. But at this point it all depends on materials.

From the community association pre-engagement feedback on the DP:
"The materiality is very bland and non-impactful. The combination of white panels throughout and cream- coloured stone creates a very large façade that is completely void of contrast and visual interest. We understand that the use of the high-quality white metal panels you have suggested can be successful, as is illustrated in some of your provided precedents. However, these precedent projects all incorporate some elements which create a more dynamic design including: articulation and undulation of the building form, strategic use of additional colours and materials, and inclusion of other textural items such as screens and strategic use of mullions on windows. Without some kind of additional elements, the effect of these materials is lost, and the building design becomes boring instead of memorable."
HSCA Pre-Application Comments
