The Rise | 88m | 26s | Truman | Metafor


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Oct 26, 2023
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Truman strikes again...they've submitted a DP for a massive multi site off 81 St in West District. DP2024-08451 once it shows up on Dmap. They are calling the project "Rise" and the tallest tower I believe sits at about 27 floors.

Created a thread for this one, and will update the details (like proper height, etc..) as they come in from the DP.
I will put it in the West District thread as well. Was waiting for the drawings to be up on DMap, or for Truman to show it on their websites, but now that it is out there, sure.
West District once again slapping the absolute shit out of East Village. Why they gotta be such bullies?!?! 😆🤣
The more I see WD and UD develop, and Truman going gang busters in the belt line, the more I feel EV is a flop. CMLC needs to step up and get things going or else turn it over to a developer who can.
I’m not sure it’s an issue with CMLC or any other developer in the future. The presence of the drop in centre and the homeless just loitering around the area is the biggest problem. IMHO
The palette provides visual separating between tower and podium. Is it that much more to build a tower and a separate mid rise? It's undeniably Truman with a design pushing, awkward looking tower. Unlike other Truman developments, the cladding quality is not as clear.
