The Guardian | 146.91m | 44s | Hon | Arcadis

Article in Condo Living says the project is 75% sold. I assume that most unsold suites are in the second tower which was completed almost 2 years ago.
This result explains why there are next to no new condo projects going on in the inner city at the moment. Nude is the only one that comes to mind.
i was surprised to see they still have a sales center open. would have thought by now they wouldnt have a need for one. royal sales center came down when the keys were handed out.

NUDE and Annex.
Article in Condo Living says the project is 75% sold. I assume that most unsold suites are in the second tower which was completed almost 2 years ago.
This result explains why there are next to no new condo projects going on in the inner city at the moment. Nude is the only one that comes to mind.
What does 25% unsold translate to? I heard recently Hon Group still owns about 140 of the units. So yeah, almost as much as all of Nude, with its 177 units.
What does 25% unsold translate to? I heard recently Hon Group still owns about 140 of the units. So yeah, almost as much as all of Nude, with its 177 units.
The two buildings combined had over 600 suites so 25% of that would be 150+ suites unsold. The Hons must have really deep pockets to be able to absorb that level of unsold inventory.
Also according to the article, there has been more buyers showing interest recently because of the Rivers District plan that is getting more media attention.
Isn't Hon the guy building that garish mega mansion off highway 22?

Yes they definitely have deep pockets. That mansion is basically the size and look of Buckingham Palace and the two scions didn't want to live there so they got one penthouse each, hence two towers of Guardian. That's the rumor anyway.
Yes they definitely have deep pockets. That mansion is basically the size and look of Buckingham Palace and the two scions didn't want to live there so they got one penthouse each, hence two towers of Guardian. That's the rumor anyway.
That is indeed the case. I know for sure one son lives in one of the penthouses because he didn't want to live out in the country. I thought the father Nicolas Hon lived in the other penthouse, v=but could be wrong.
