Active Member
I agree with you. Having a building 20 storeys in that location is really no threat at all to aircraft and airport operations. As far as noise levels go, let the consumers decide. We already build residential near the flight paths, so whey not allow it to intensified if consumers are willing to live there.
If that is a restriction then thats pretty stupid IMO. That literally cuts out more then 50% of the NE from ever getting any real densification along the blue line. IMO, when I look at the AVPA map I think it is way too cautious. Other cities get pretty darn close to their airports in terms of highrises. I mean aren't there 10+ storey highrises in Richmond right on the footsteps of Vancouver airport? I like the way the FAA recommended it in the US. Building height is limited to 49m within 3km and once you get further away it increases even more. Id rather choose a model like that instead of preventing a highrise from being built thats over 6km from the nearest runway just based on noise levels.