TELUS Sky | 222.19m | 60s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group

General Rating for this project

  • 1 Great

    Votes: 133 86.9%
  • 2 Very Good

    Votes: 11 7.2%
  • 3 Good

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • 4 So So

    Votes: 4 2.6%
  • 5 Not Very Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 Terrible

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Lol.....I'm not give sharpest tool in the some days....that said, it's nice to have a hairy, muscular, Rugby playing, gay man's perspective :)

Lmao, well thanks. I feel very appreciated :p

But getting back on to these wonderful updates here, I saw Telus Sky myself yesterday, and the cladding is looking friggin awesome. I'm not currently seeing where the LEDs will go, but still hoping that's part of the plan.
almost 10 floor

They've already almost completed the 11th floor. They're currently pouring columns of the 11th office floor to put the 12th floor on top.

Also, I think I figured out why they are using these weird floor forms; each section is the exact width of a section of setback once the tower starts to curve. So they'll use those to keep the angles at perfect 90 degrees.
My comment was offhanded. There is an undeniable, rooted fear of taxation in North America. You can go back all the way to the first settlers. That's all I wanted to convey. I appreciate your analysis but, it wasn't warranted. Quality of Life is measurable but, it weighs heavy on personal preference.

Now, some feel architecture is the same but, trust me, it isn't.
Looking good so far. I still want to see a few more floors, especially when it starts to curve before judging.

Only about 5 - 6 floors to go before the curve starts.
The glass on the curved section might totally make the project. I doubt the curved section will look any worse, but it has the potential to really be something special.
I still feel like this tower is going to be a show-stopper once it's finished.
From what you could probably call Telus Sky's sister building in Vancouver:
Vancouver | Vancouver House | 157m | 49s | Westbank | Bjarke Ingels Group



I wonder if once Telus starts it's "turn", the cladding underneath the protruding parts will change colour? This would certainly help with the LED scheme if this was where they put some white...

(Images from another poster on that thread - still figuring out this forum format)
Welcome Googspecial! I have always assumed that the underneath portions would be black also, but maybe it will be a lighter colour that will show better.
the room at the corner of the top of this Building is probably more than 2 million $ . But it will be nice if you are living in one youll get a fantastic view of Calgary's downtown day and night !
Fantastic photo, Cyric. Really excited to see this one go up. Can't wait to be back from school instead of living vicariously through these forum posts. :p
