Sunalta Heights | 88.39m | 27s | Housing One | S2

I’ll take the opposite approach. Would have rather seen two new towers developed in the East Village or Eau Clare area. I still prefer to concentrate development in the master planned areas that have already started rather than in areas that are starting from scratch (as much as they could use the development).
I see what you mean, but I'll take development when and where we can, especially when this will be combined with another development reducing blight in an extremely blighted area.
Or a trade off: these two towers and instead of a high rise where the Hat on 14th is, 4 X 6 floor buildings in the general area.

Good god please yes.
Do we know if they're driving piles for the entire site yet?
Fabulous news that this one is going through. Very nice to hear!

Also, I think expanding the FFZ one station in all directions is a fantastic idea. This would be especially effective now that Bridgeland's retail node will be expanding down 9 Street toward the station, and with 17 Avenue punching into Stampede Park.
I could get behind that. It would make a nice little transit run from Bridgeland to Sunalta.
