Marda | 21.03m | 6s | Strategic Group | NORR

2017-10-28 15.06.33.jpg
2017-10-28 15.06.54.jpg


  • 2017-10-28 15.06.33.jpg
    2017-10-28 15.06.33.jpg
    150 KB · Views: 720
  • 2017-10-28 15.06.54.jpg
    2017-10-28 15.06.54.jpg
    180.3 KB · Views: 735
Holy moly! That was quick! *drools*

another big project for Marda Loop... crazy...
That fourplex with the garages in the back is my buddies place, he owns the front east unit. Currently rented out.
Good to see this going. Once they demolished the old building I was worried it would sit as an empty lot.
Mildly off topic, but does anyone know what the source of the name Marda is? (Obviously not in direct relation to be building in question, but to Marda Loop as a whole.) I suppose Google could probably tell me, but then what fun is it to be party to a bunch of people who pride themselves on knowing just that sort of thing if you don't make use of it.
Mildly off topic, but does anyone know what the source of the name Marda is? (Obviously not in direct relation to be building in question, but to Marda Loop as a whole.) I suppose Google could probably tell me, but then what fun is it to be party to a bunch of people who pride themselves on knowing just that sort of thing if you don't make use of it.


It was the name of the movie theatre that used to sit at the NE corner of 33 ave and 20 street. It was later re-named to the Odeon theatre (which also happens to be the name of the new office building that current sits there).

From what I understand, the actual "Marda" name is an amalgamation of the names of the wife and husband who owned the theatre.
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and then "loop" comes from the streetcar line that looped around in the neighbourhood and back to downtown.
Hi Group,
I could B wrong on this but somehow I Come away with the Feelings that Marda Loop at Some Point in Time will Start to Push Back and Expand into the Residential Parts of the Commercial/Business Areas of the Community, If this Does Happen it will B Interesting to see witch Direction Expansion Goes,
Yes, that’s probably what will happen with Marda Loop. As the neighbourhood builds up zoning will increase away from 33rd ave.

I hope it goes the way Kensington has gone, it’s a great example of how to increase density in an inner city area.
Oh wow! That's a surprise, and a welcome treat :)
Definitely not front line material, but not so bad all told. Mostly just height and density rather than any kind of contribution to excellence in design for the area.
The way 20th Street SW jogs at 34th Avenue SW makes this a particularly prominent site in Marda Loop, as a building on this site will act as a “visual terminus” for anyone approaching Marda Loop from the North along 20th Street SW. For that reason we were okay with having the land use for this site changed to allow for more building height as long as the proposed building included a cool north facade that would create that architecturally interesting visual terminus. Not convinced that we quite got that with this design.
