Developer: Truman Homes
Architect: NORR Architects
Address: 301 11 Ave Southwest, Calgary
Category: Residential
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 394 ft / 120.00 mStoreys: 37 storeys
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Lincoln | 120m | 37s | Truman | NORR

That building looks as inviting as a data centre. It was just office space with turnstile security. It wasn't a carrier hotel with server farms also called datacentres
I would guess that this lot will be a lay down area for Truman’s project down the street. Truman has their signs on the fence as well. Seems to be a parking lot today
I walk by almost daily and there have been construction vehicles parked there most days since Imperia started up. My guess is they are just cleaning up the site to use this as a yard for Imperia. I wouldn't expect Truman to go full out with simultaneous construction of two high-rises, but I could be totally wrong.
That would also be my guess, There hasn’t been any chatter out there for this one.
They have two other projects on 1st Street in the Beltline plus they just purchased the Stampede Station site from Wexford (2 towers). I expect them to start marketing that one once they hit their sales threshold on Lincoln. These guys are very aggressive. Will be fun to watch.
I don’t know if this is the same site, but there’s a lot chatter about a proposal for some tall residential towers across from the Stampede grounds. Tall as in like 50/60 floor range. I thought it was the Cidex Elbow river spot, this is something different apparently.
