Lincoln | 120m | 37s | Truman | NORR

Just got a marketing e-mail with this smaller, fuzzy rendering in it. I note that the Qualex Landmark tower is missing from this image:

Hard to see the details, but I like this at first glance. Something different to what is normally built. If Truman uses good materials, which they normally do, this could be a real stunner. Curious about the ground floor treatment if there will be some retail bays along the side. I do like the corner entrance. A coffee shop would be great and they could use the large corner plaza as seating.
That’s what it’s like in First (EV). A friend owned a 2 bedroom in there and the place itself was beautiful but the bedrooms were shoccckingly small.
The tower looks very nice though. I hope it turns out more gold than yellow. A 2024 completion would indicate they’re aiming to start within the next ~14 months or so.

Also nice that it’ll be considerably taller than Park Point (about 20 meters). Some nice variation for two very close towers.
A marketing e-mail from Truman just confirmed that the renderings found earlier in this thread are accurate. Just the one rendering included, no other views yet by the looks of it:

