Kensington Project 201 | 50m | 14s | Quantum Place


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Jul 5, 2016
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An engagement website for this project has been launched:

It looks like just a land use application is being contemplated for now, not a development permit, however there are some conceptual images and renderings. This is quite a bit taller and denser than what is within the ARP, but is not that different from what JEMM Properties is asking for just up the road. Lots of information on the engagement website, here are the images:





I like the height. It's perfect for that location, although the artist concept drawing shows a 14 floor building, but at 30m it would be closer to the height of Lido or Annex. Unless I'm not understanding the application and they want to go more than 30m, as shown in the rendering?
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Given that family and their history with the City this should be fun to watch.

I do like the idea of going that big on that site, and finally getting a proper pedestrian realm at that corner of 10th and Kensington road is long overdue.
A really exciting project. A suburban restaurant and parking lot converting to density and another restaurant (or 2 - 3) along with the little plaza.

The design needs to be on POINT though. Best be at least as good as The Dominion.

I know my hopes are high, but for this site, high expectations are realistic.
Anyone know why the land use designation is still pending? The restaurant and parking that currently occupies such a central corner just doesn't look appealing for the area.
