Senior Member
Still hard to believe that all three Truman high-rises are under way simultaneously. Can we give them a Skyrise Calgary medal or something?
as an reward, could we give Truman more land to develop.. like west village area those parking lots on 9th ave ...Still hard to believe that all three Truman high-rises are under way simultaneously. Can we give them a Skyrise Calgary medal or something?
yeah, westbrook is such a waste. nice location, near c tran station. closer to a mall..(even though that mall has nothing....)Nah they dont deserve to have to pay for the remediation, can leave that for a lesser company. Let's just petition the city to donate the Westbrook Lands to them. Could you imagine the beauty they would transform that windswept fckhole into?!
I assume you mean 33 St? That would be Bow33.Don’t they have a project across the street? On 33ave?