Francesco's | 48m | 16s | Arlington Street | DAAS

That’s a great sign. Very excited for this one.
I have faith this will go ahead. Along with a dozen or so other downtown highrises in the next 12 months. Just a feeling.

- Brooklyn
- Imperia or Gallery (but not both)
- Sovereign
- Nest
- 1520
- West Village III
- the one next to Chocolate??
- Arena hotel (??)
- the proposal between Centre and MacLeod

Annnnd I’m blanking on the others but still, a feeling 😝
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I have faith this will go ahead. Along with a dozen or so other downtown highrises in the next 12 months. Just a feeling.

- Brooklyn
- Imperia or Gallery (but not both)
- Sovereign
- Nest
- 1520
- West Village III
- the one next to Chocolate??
- Arena hotel (??)
- the proposal between Centre and MacLeod

Annnnd I’m blanking on the others but still, a feeling 😝
I really hope you're right, I wanna see some Tower Cranes in my beloved skyline.
- Brooklyn
- Imperia or Gallery (but not both)
- Sovereign
- Nest
- 1520
- West Village III

Unfortunately, 1520 and Brooklyn aren't approved yet. 1520 doesn't even have zoning in place. But, Nest seems to be under construction!

I think Imperia, Gallery, Sovereign and WV3 are good bets. Gallery needs demolition first, though, and IIRC there will be tenants there until the end of next month.

- the one next to Chocolate??

This doesn't have a proposal yet (that I'm aware of), just a rezoning in progress.

- the proposal between Centre and MacLeod

Other than Brooklyn and Nest? Not sure which one this is. Nomi, the skinny one that's not approved yet?

Annnnd I’m blanking on the others but still, a feeling 😝

Maybe 1405-4 St and Lincoln, but again, both are not approved yet.
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It would likely be Imperia, not Gallery, going ahead. Either way, Truman likely only has the capacity to build one skyscraper at a time at this point I would guess.

The one between Centre and MacLeod I was referring to is the one between 11 and 12 aves. It’s been stale for ages but we keep hearing all these rumours about stale projects having life to them, so my fingers are crossed.

I also forgot the one on the Riverfront Point block that was recently revived.

I’m not really concerned with what is or isn’t approved yet though. As we’ve seen, some buildings get approved and never built, while others get approved and construction begins within a month. Would just be nice to have 10+ tower cranes in the sky over downtown by next August ☺️
