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Calgary Bike Lanes and Bike Paths

It is a new gravel bike, bought it in July lol.
I have a gravel bike as my commuter as well, I put studded tires and full fenders on for the winter and its awesome, especially fun on the hard boot packed snow of the river pathways.

It's wild seeing these sort of articles.
Really hope UCP doesn't take after Ford and start ripping out city bike lanes.
It's good culture war fodder for the type of people who like Herald opinion pieces.

The irony is that unlike Toronto, we haven't really built any bicycle stuff recently - and nothing particularly controversial in about a decade. So there's no active issues that can be exploited here. With that said, what is actually happening in reality has been proven to be a weak defense to hyper-partisan politics so wouldn't surprise me if the UCP did this.

And reviewing the Herald comment's section on this - it's hardly a landslide of anti-bike rants as one would have expected about a decade ago with a similar article. Article feels tired and overly-hyperbolic, probably because there's not really a hot-button real issues to connect this too. Seems written by someone who lives the culture wars on social media but hasn't written about reality where there's nuance or trade-offs in a while.
It's wild seeing these sort of articles.
Really hope UCP doesn't take after Ford and start ripping out city bike lanes.
Wow what a stupid article, I can't believe the hearald published this garbage.

Honestly if the UCP started doing things like ford is, that would be my cue to leave Alberta.
The irony is that unlike Toronto, we haven't really built any bicycle stuff recently - and nothing particularly controversial in about a decade.
Exactly, what bike lanes are we going to rip out of 17th Ave? 10th St NW? 4th St SW? Without getting into the equity discussions of who has the right to use the road, the challenge with Toronto is also that the downtown street network is not a grid. Many drivers want the bike lanes on a side street and not on Bloor. The issue is there is no E-W road that connects the city, so bike lanes on other street will require going N-S repeatedly to connect the lane which is dangerous for the cyclist and pedestrians. Calgary doesn't have this problem (in downtown at least), I actually prefer bike lanes on 2nd St (for 4th Street) and 14th/15th Ave (for 17th Ave). Sure I have to walk a block to get to the destination but the safety of not having to bike with lots of cars turning left/right and the associated vehicle noise is preferable

In saying that we should build more bike lanes on side streets and make them more pedestrian/bike friendly. In Marda Loop for example, 33rd can be the "car" street and 34 can be the walking/biking street. Businesses can decide for themselves which street is better for business.
I'm not surprised the Herald published that, they give Rick Bell a pretty good podium to spew his crayon eating nonsense. The Herald is slowly becoming the Sun now...
The transition is over, and has been for a while. it’s really been about a decade (or two?) since there was a regular columnist that wasn’t a “conservative voice” in the Herald.

Edmontons paper at least maintains some diversity, having a few regulars that aren’t just UCP talking points or culture war stuff.

Overall all former city newspapers are a shadow of themselves. Opinion pieces get the clicks and it’s really surface level treatment of anything more day-to-day news.

It’s not surprising they post this type of column, but it’s also fairly irrelevant that they do too. Newspapers really don’t connect anymore.
Yeah this is just the death rattle of a generation unwilling to accept their time has passed.

The heyday of car dependency is in the rear view mirror.
The heyday of car dependency is in the rear view mirror.
Sadly, not yet. But maybe you're stuck in traffic with it sharing a "guess this is the way it is now" smile and shrug as you catch each others eye looking through the driver side window. To continue your metaphor.
