Balmoral Mixed Use | 25m | 12s | o2 Planning and Design


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Jul 5, 2016
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We have discussed this land use redesignation along 16th AVenue and 2nd Street NW a bit, but there is now an engagement website set-up for it.
Engagement Website

Important to note this is still just the land use stage, and the following images are just massings to show what COULD be built if the zoning is approved. There is no specific building design at this time.

Has there been any discussion of the proposed LUA and DP on the corner of 2nd St NW between 16th and 17th Aves?

Applicant is looking to upzone from 28m max height to 71m or 20-22 stories
The newly minted North Hill Local Area Plan sets the north half of that parcel to 6 stories and the south to 12 stores so this will be very interesting to see what is decided.

I'm concerned if the plan is disregarded immediately after being passed and the LUA approved the rest of the inner-city communities may just wash their hands of the whole process.

There is now a (pretty extensive) engagement site for this



Agreed. I imagine the tower might get some heat, and frankly I don't really care whether or not it's a tower or just a really fat midrise. I'm just relieved to see there's finally some serious interest in developing 16th Ave. I know there's a lot of "if only's" when it comes to 16th. But at this point I'd be thrilled if one-day 16th is lined with these kinds of developments.
Yeah ... there has been lots proposed along that stretch of 16 Ave ... Landstar's, LaCaille's, Harmony One, Concorde's North Hill shopping centre and whatever is planned for Midfield trailer park ... but nothing seems to get going.
Yeah ... there has been lots proposed along that stretch of 16 Ave ... Landstar's, LaCaille's, Harmony One, Concorde's North Hill shopping centre and whatever is planned for Midfield trailer park ... but nothing seems to get going.
It's too bad Concorde is the developer for North Hill Mall. Any other developer building cheaper condo or rental units would have a much better chance of building there. The location is better than those other spots on 16th.
It's too bad Concorde is the developer for North Hill Mall. Any other developer building cheaper condo or rental units would have a much better chance of building there. The location is better than those other spots on 16th.
There are still the environmental issues for the site. It is a long play for them.
On a side, yet similar note, does anyone know if the land use was approved for this site a block away?

If somehow both these sites go ahead along with an LRT station, I can imagine some more momentum building for a TOD highrise/midrise node along 16th ave.
This project has it's own forum thread:
On a side, yet similar note, does anyone know if the land use was approved for this site a block away?

If somehow both these sites go ahead along with an LRT station, I can imagine some more momentum building for a TOD highrise/midrise node along 16th ave.
It would be a lot of momentum. Maybe a mixed use high rise development could be built on the SE corner of 16th and centre also.
