I really like this one. Looks very sleek and modern! Nice addition to the West End. Will help block Discovery Pointe. I actually like Riverside condos. Reminds me of a hotel in Miami!
I agree with you about the Riverside towers, I've always liked those. The style is somewhat unique, and in a way quite timeless. I don't think they'll ever be dated, but rather will always have a funkiness to them.
I'm a fan of Riverwest as well...it's our version of Chicago's Marina Towers. Obviously not quite that level of architecture, but that fact that it's not another box is a great feat in this town.
Avenue is also quite a handsome and elegant project, and I love the mix of stone with the steel. This project what I think our baseline needs to be. Too bad it's blocking Riverwest and not the Pointe of View crapfest.
I don't mind Riverwest either. I wouldn't call it timeless. It's already dated. It's the crown which stands in as a pretty bad topper for the cylindrical form.
The stone is a nice touch. It does clash with the grey spandrel.
I don't know if timeless is the right word for Riverwest, but it is unique enough that it will always stand out. Even if dated, it won't matter as it will always be different.
Sort of like the Odyssey Apartments. Love them or hate them, the are unique enough that are kind of timeless in a way.
I've never seen a picture of the Odyssey apartments! They look so cool. I've always wanted to drive to that part of town to get pictures but never got around to it.