Arris - 5th and Third | 142.03m | 42s | Embassy Bosa | Amanat Architect

General rating of the project

  • Great

    Votes: 9 9.6%
  • Very good

    Votes: 45 47.9%
  • Good

    Votes: 29 30.9%
  • So So

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Not Very Good

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
Buyers in this economy are still buying as an investment including as a first home. Price comes first.
I always wondered what the relation was. Thanks for that tidbit of info.
Embassy Bosa is different than Bosa Properties, which is different than BlueSky Properties which is different again from Bosa Development and APPIA.

These companies are all headed by different members of the Bosa Family, they are all well established and respected in the biz however compete in different markets and different projects.

In this case this project is headed up by Ryan Bosa with Embassy Bosa which is also doing Mount Royal Village, along with Fuse and Pulse. Axxis which is in the west downtown district was completed by Bosa Development Corp headed by Nat Bosa.
Hi Group,
Interesting Comments. Somehow I come away with the views that Yes We will see more Developement yet at the same what gets approved with a D P will NOT B the same Item when the Projects are Shovel Ready later on due to Costs. What is Apts today will B Condos Tomorrow or Vise Versa. Interesting Tomes for Developers.
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00-2017 July 1 764.JPG


  • 00-2017 July 1 761a.JPG
    00-2017 July 1 761a.JPG
    695.5 KB · Views: 477
  • 00-2017 July 1 764.JPG
    00-2017 July 1 764.JPG
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Hi Group,
I Remember Years Ago there was a "Safeway Store" on 8th Ave S.E by Either 4 or 5 St S E. It Got Shut Down and a New Store Opens at 11/8 St. S.W. There Used to B a Smaller Store at 4th Ave/5th St.S W. as Well got shut down and an Office Depot had the Site. Not Now. If this New Store Location Opens It Won't Just B East Village but
but East Belt Line, Ramsey and Inglewood Plus East Bridgeland for starters I will B Interested to See how well it Does. Grocery Stores are a BIG Investments in any given Areas>
Hi Group,
I Remember Years Ago there was a "Safeway Store" on 8th Ave S.E by Either 4 or 5 St S E. It Got Shut Down and a New Store Opens at 11/8 St. S.W. There Used to B a Smaller Store at 4th Ave/5th St.S W. as Well got shut down and an Office Depot had the Site. Not Now. If this New Store Location Opens It Won't Just B East Village but
but East Belt Line, Ramsey and Inglewood Plus East Bridgeland for starters I will B Interested to See how well it Does. Grocery Stores are a BIG Investments in any given Areas>

I live in Crescent Heights, and cannot wait for this to open!

Apologies if this has been discussed before, but are the towers going to be built right away? Or is it going to be capped at the podium?
I live in Crescent Heights, and cannot wait for this to open!
Apologies if this has been discussed before, but are the towers going to be built right away? Or is it going to be capped at the podium?
The consensus is that the towers won't be built right away, but there was a guy on here a while back that was involved in the construction who said they were going ahead with the towers. My own gut feeling is that they won't due to the condo market. If they were rental towers...anything would be possible.
Almost certainly capped at podium. They haven't even launched marketing for the towers, let alone sales. I believe they're expecting to launch in 2018 though if I recall correctly from my last conversation with their staff.
