906 Office Conversion | 80.5m | 22s | Makan Properties | Zeidler

If you see this proposal as really ugly than

I disagree on accepting ugly by blaming the 1970s and 1980s or that It's better than the 50 year old derelict structure. People including those today settling for a C+ (which I would say is generous) will be staring up puzzled by such an eyesore in 20 years time and up until it's destroyed. D minuses and Fs are upgraded to As and B pluses all the time.

Better design comes at a higher price but, it doesn't have to be that much. Also demand for the cheapest cladding raises their costs so we end up with manufacturers coming up with even cheaper composites ready for landfill in 10 to 20 years.
I dont think it's accepting "ugly", that's a person's opinion, i'm saying I think some people have wildly unrealistic expectations of how to convert a concrete heavy design era commercial building into residential, that doesnt involve an large amount of external deconstruction...which unfortunately is a fast way to discourage investment.

I am by no means saying I love this design, its very average...but I try to find the wins in the intent behind this conversion movement. That it is less about design, and more about proper land use, density, ect...
I read about this in a post on the Mikey's Juke Joint FB page.

Apparently they'll be closing in 60 days, which is too bad. (They have some details wrong, like calling the DP "DT202403242" and claiming the 14-storey addition will be on the annex.)

I wonder if Abyssinia is closing too. I liked that place...
Some further details on Mikey's. I didn't even comment the dots that they were located in this same building. Also, this is a Strategic Group project? Didn't they just pause the Baron Building conversion because they had no cash?

Some further details on Mikey's. I didn't even comment the dots that they were located in this same building. Also, this is a Strategic Group project? Didn't they just pause the Baron Building conversion because they had no cash?

I thought Strategic broke down into multiple numbered companies divided by projects?
This addition looks God awful! It would actually cost more adding that mess of unnecessary spandrel lines than doing a simpler design.
Some further details on Mikey's. I didn't even comment the dots that they were located in this same building. Also, this is a Strategic Group project? Didn't they just pause the Baron Building conversion because they had no cash?

Always sad to see small businesses like this getting hurt...
I hope they can relocate somewhere.
I dont think it's accepting "ugly", that's a person's opinion, i'm saying I think some people have wildly unrealistic expectations of how to convert a concrete heavy design era commercial building into residential, that doesnt involve an large amount of external deconstruction...which unfortunately is a fast way to discourage investment.

I am by no means saying I love this design, its very average...but I try to find the wins in the intent behind this conversion movement. That it is less about design, and more about proper land use, density, ect...

Wildly unrealistic expectations does have validity but, typically its usage here is what I mean by accepting ugly. Many of the office conversions involve significant external deconstruction yielding an aesthetically worst project than the original aging modernist structures. For this project, the addition should then compliment the original facade if its being kept than looking like two distinct building especially when budgetary limitations on materials is a factor on the addition

That why I said something like "if you find this ugly" recognising people see ugly differently . You happen to find this very average which may be better or worst than just average.

I find aesthetics are as important as land use, densities, urban design, etc all of which are subject to personal opinion.
Wildly unrealistic expectations does have validity but, typically its usage here is what I mean by accepting ugly. Many of the office conversions involve significant external deconstruction yielding an aesthetically worst project than the original aging modernist structures. For this project, the addition should then compliment the original facade if its being kept than looking like two distinct building especially when budgetary limitations on materials is a factor on the addition

That why I said something like "if you find this ugly" recognising people see ugly differently . You happen to find this very average which may be better or worst than just average.

I find aesthetics are as important as land use, densities, urban design, etc all of which are subject to personal opinion.
You make some good points, but I think there are very clear examples of bad design. This applies not only to buildings, but also cars, etc.
I think they'll do well there.
Part of me agrees, but part of me recognizes this shrinks the population they can draw from to come in and have a drink/pay the cover. I was hoping they'd move to somewhere no further west than Sunalta (where they used to be), and no further east than Inglewood.
The old Hexters in Bowness! place was fun but had terrible food. Currently the only place on main street Bowness is Leopold's (which is a great spot) so there is a big lack of options in the area.

Just had a pint on the patio at Mikey's and heard the same info, just came here to post this lol.
Went by on the bus the other day, looks like these are the colours they're going to use to paint over the exterior.

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