1405 - 4th Street | 77m | 24s | GWL | Arcadis

I believe this is our 6th high rise proposal and 11th significant multi residential proposal of the past month. The pace is astonishing really.
How does this one fit in with the block immediately to the south? Love the location and density, the ground floor seems totally reasonable but concerned about the shadows with those two together on 4th Street.

Perhaps it's just that weird perspective thing that architects do on their renderings for some reason and my concerns are unfounded. If it's not just the rendering, seems like some pretty hulky towers in close proximity - not necessarily the end of the world , but requires some additional effort in the public realm to ensure it's still comfortable to be with near permanent shadows for much of the year.
I think there's a 2nd tower contemplated for this site as well.
Just one tower for this one. Two towers for Fourth Street Lofts. Same block.
I see the thread title was changed to fifth street. It’s most definitely fourth.
This looks too generic. Looks too much like 5 other buildings I have seen. It is nice it gives density, but can we have aq couple cool looking buildings that take some sort of risk?? Why cant we have a couple more ones like that Bridgeland (Dominion?) one, where it is a different design to it. But hey I'm sure it is better than whatever there is on that land now
