Senior Member
I agree it's over the top to be likened to a white supremacist for this comment. That said, I think it's a little presumptuous for a relatively new member to tell someone what they can and cannot say on this board. There are a variety of political opinions represented here. But typically if one is going to make a claim like "the entire Green Line is way overpriced", they would back it up with some kind of clarification. Overpriced as compared to what? Also, if you think this version of the line is overpriced, how on earth do you think we would ever build a tunnel under the river and then all the way up to the airport. I believe the economics of building a rail line to the airport have been discussed at length and they do not work. As has been already mentioned, these kinds of connections do not generate a lot of ridership. They are politically popular because everyone can imagine themselves taking a trip to the airport at some point, but that doesn't equate to the same level of ridership major commuting corridors.I love the UCP. Take your "UCP and Kenney bad" speak over to Reddit and keep it there. I understand why the provincial government is looking this project over. The entire Green Line is way overpriced. I want this line built badly too with a tunnel under the river and the line going to the airport, but Farkas is right, it costs too much for what we get.